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Adult/Continuing Education

continuing education

The Office of Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) offers diverse online certificate programs ideal for individuals aiming for career advancement or pursuing knowledge in an in-demand occupation field of study. These programs are designed to be concise yet informative, catering to individuals seeking to enhance their education, skills, and qualifications.

Each ACE program is developed through an assessment process to offer an up-to-date training curriculum, ensuring the content remains relevant and aligned with demands that meet requirements to secure employment for the future. The approach enables participants to acquire practical knowledge and competencies directly applicable to their careers.

Funding Opportunities for Continuing Education Programs

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is dedicated to supporting Delaware residents with disabilities in their pursuit of meaningful employment. This organization plays a crucial role by partnering with job seekers to enhance their job readiness and develop the necessary skills to secure and maintain employment. DVR offers various services, including individualized career counseling, training programs, and resources tailored to meet each person’s unique needs. By collaborating with local businesses and community organizations, DVR also promotes inclusive hiring practices and helps create a supportive environment for individuals with disabilities in the workforce. Through these efforts, DVR strives to empower Delawareans to achieve their professional goals and financial sustainability.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is crucial in promoting workforce development. WIOA provides federal funding for employment and training assistance, which helps individuals enhance their employability prospects. Through this initiative, participants can improve their chances of securing a job, increase their earning potential, and access financial resources for essential job skills training in today’s competitive labor market.

Course Guide