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Faculty Senate


Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Trustees, authority is hereby delegated to the university faculty to develop and administer the academic and educational policies of the university in accordance with the provisions of the following regulations.

The Faculty shall:

  • Establish departmental curricula and courses.
  • Develop rules, regulations and discipline for the student body.
  • Determine educational academic policies of admission.
  • Determine requirements for degrees and recommend candidates for degrees, which shall be conferred by the President of the University under the authority of the Board of Trustees.
  • It shall be the privilege of the faculty:
    • To recommend to the Board of Trustees the establishment of any degree to be awarded and the disestablishment of any degree.
    • To consider matters of general interest to the university and make recommendations to the President of the University for presentation to the Board of Trustees. (Chapter 2, Section II)


Function: The Faculty Senate is the primary governing body of the faculty. It shall serve as a channel of communication between the faculty and the administration and, through the administration, to the Board of Trustees. It shall seek means to raise the level of all aspects of professional performance. It shall be the instrument by which the faculty carries out its responsibilities under the Charter and Bylaws of the Board of Trustees of Delaware State University. [Article I, Section 2]

Responsibilities : The Faculty Senate is the chief governing body under the authority of the faculty. It shall possess the primary responsibility and authority to review, discuss, and make policy recommendations in such areas as curriculum, standards, research, faculty status, honorary degrees, and student activities related to the academic life of the University. [Article I, Section 3]

Duties and Responsibilities of Faculty Senators:

  1. Faculty Senators are expected to attend all Faculty Senate meetings.
  2. Faculty Senators are expected to communicate to their respective departments all actions of the Faculty Senate.
  3. Faculty Senators are expected to communicate to the full Senate any of their respective departmental concerns.