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Transcript Policy Update

The Offices of Records & Registration and Student Accounts write to provide our student body with an important update regarding transcript requests. In October 2023, the U.S. Department of Education announced that it would limit the circumstances in which institutions of higher education can withhold transcripts beginning on July 1, 2024. This communication is meant to provide current and former students with clear guidance regarding how this will impact the release of transcripts at Delaware State University.

The University will continue to withhold full, final, official University transcripts from any current or former student who owes any debt to the university, including those who receive federal financial aid.

Partial transcripts may be released under the following limited circumstances:

  1. If a current or former student has paid for a semester in full; or
  2. If a current or former student has entered into and complied with the terms of a payment plan for particular semester(s), they will receive a transcript for the semester(s) in repayment.

Please note that payment plans are for the most recent semester which reflects an outstanding balance. For more information regarding payment plans, please contact the Office of Student Accounts at studentaccounts [at] desu.edu.

For additional information regarding transcript requests, please contact registrar [at] desu.edu or visit the following webpage: Office of Records and Registration.

In order to provide the best customer service to our students, the University has decided to apply the new rules liberally – allowing for release of full semester transcripts (as opposed to limited credit hours) and applying the policy to all students whether they are recipients of federal aid or not.

Please be patient as we adjust to the new mandates. The University will closely monitor the implementation of this program to ensure that we meet the needs of our students.