Under Advising, you will get the below choices:
- View Student Profile
- EAB Advising
View Student Profile
From the View Student Profile on the Faculty and Advisor’s myDESU Services Menu, the Advisee Search will appear.
Advisee Search
Allows you to search for a specific advisee to view his/her student profile information. You may also click View My Advisee Listing to see all advisees assigned to you in the selected term.
To select a particular advisee:
- Select Term
- Enter D# (full DXXXXXXXX) or Last Name, First Name
- Click into the white area to activate the View Profile. Click on View Profile to pull up the student profile.
Click on Student Profile from your myDESU Homepage.
Student Profile
The student profile will appear displaying an abundance of information.
A Tour of Your Student Profile
Your Student Profile contains a wealth of information about your account on a single web page.
You can do the following information from the student profile:
- View Status, Registration Notices, and Holds (academic standing, student status, enrollment status, etc.)
- View Biographical information (contact info, emergency contact, etc.)
- View General information (level, class, campus, etc.)
- View Curriculum Information (degree, major, earned hours & GPA, etc.)
- View Registered Courses (registered courses for the term you are viewing)
- From the Additional Links menu on the left-hand side, you can access the following for the student:
- Academic Transcript
- Student Detail Schedule
- Application to Graduate
- Week at a Glance
- Registration and Planning
- Grades
Registration Notices and Holds
The Student Profile also shows any registration notices or holds for that student.
Unofficial Transcript
You may also view the student’s unofficial transcript under Additional Links on the Student Profile page.

Unofficial Transcript shown below with other options to view such as Degrees Awarded, Institution Credit and Transcript Totals.
My Advisee Listing
When searching a student, you can also view your advisee listing which shows all advisees assigned to you in the selected term. From the Advisee Search page, click View My Advisee Listing.
The Advisee Listing contains overview information about all advisees that are assigned to you in the selected term.
Click on the student’s photo and a student information card will appear.
To view the entire student profile, click on the student’s name and ID or the “View Profile” located on the student information card.
You can do the following information from the student profile:
- View Status, Registration Notices, and Holds (academic standing, student status, enrollment status, etc.)
- View Biographical information (contact info, emergency contact, etc.)
- View General information (level, class, campus, etc.)
- View Curriculum Information (degree, major, earned hours & GPA, etc.)
- View Registered Courses (registered courses for the term you are viewing)
- From the Additional Links menu on the left-hand side, you can access the following for the student:
- Academic Transcript
- Student Detail Schedule
- Application to Graduate
- Week at a Glance
- Registration and Planning
- Grades
Registration and Planning
Under Additional Links on the Student Profile page, click Registration and Planning. Here you can register the student for classes, create a plan for the student (Plan Ahead), browse classes, and browse the course catalog.
Select your role and click OK.
Click on Register for Classes.
Select a term.
In the “Select a Student” box, type in the student’s ID number or name.
Students will utilize alternate pins.
The below message will pop up if the student has an Advisor Hold and has not met with the Advisor. The Hold will be removed once the meeting has occurred with the student.
This student shows 1 HOLD. This is a flag that the student has not met with the advisor.
Once the hold is released, the student may then be registered.
Click on the subject and hit search to pull up all sections for that course.
This image shows sections available for the course selected for that term.
Once you find the course and section, click on ADD at the right. Click on submit to add the class.
If there is a time conflict or if the student needs prerequisites, you will receive an error message at the top right. Click on Submit to Remove the course that has the error and click on Search Again.
Once all courses are added, click submit to show the student is registered for the courses.
Here you can see the course schedule at the bottom left.
Schedule Detail
at the bottom left shows more details for each course.
Create a Plan
allows you to begin a plan for the student.
Select your role.
Select the Term and put in the student’s D#.
Select Create a Plan.
Follow the steps to add classes to a student’s schedule as show above by searching for the course and section and adding.
Once you have added the courses, you will save the plan and give the plan a name.
Registration History
To review the Registration History, access the Student Profile and click on Student Schedule.
Enter the term and D# (full DXXXXXXXX) or Last Name, First Name
The Registration History will populate.
Browse Classes
Select Registration and Planning. The Browse Classes page lets you view and search on the class schedule. Choose term from the drop-down list and click Continue. Terms in the list will be marked “View Only” if registration is not currently available during those terms.
Select the term.
You will be prompted for Subject; clicking in the box will present you with a list of subject descriptions. You will be prompted for Course Number; clicking in the box allows you to enter a value or pattern including wildcards. You may further refine the search by adding keyword values from the class description to the search criteria.
Click the Search button to perform the search now -or- click Advanced to enter additional values to match on such as instructor, campus, level, or meeting times, then click Search button. Results of your search will look something like this:
Click on the arrow to the left side of the record to view subject description, course number, section number, hours, CRN, term, and campus. The instructor’s name is a “mail to” link. Click the “gear” (settings) icon, then check or uncheck boxes to control what is displayed for each class. Click the Title to view the Class Details.
From the Faculty and Advisor’s myDESU Services Menu under Advising, see EAB.