
Always Seeking New Knowledge
Delaware State University places a strong emphasis on research, constantly seeking answers to life’s questions.
Innovation & Research
As a Doctoral Research University with a high research activity Carnegie Classification, DSU’s research portfolio consists of a diverse network of centers, cores, facilities, and partnerships, upon which the University is constantly developing and expanding. DSU researchers pride themselves on this breadth of interdisciplinary research – from the biomedical to the agricultural – which makes the University a leader in innovation in the state. The new knowledge that emerges from DSU research activity ultimately serves to impact and improve the lives of people and communities in Delaware and beyond.
Agricultural Research
Agricultural, natural resources, and food science research answers questions to important aspects of our lives: Where we live and what we eat, and the factors that impact both. This entails animal science, ecosystem studies, food and nutrition science, and plant and soil sciences. This research also expands into such areas as the science behind textiles, habitat restoration, and marine life.
Biomedical Research
Biomedical research at DSU, a collaborative and interdisciplinary endeavor, is primarily at the molecular, cellular and biochemical level and is focused on neuroscience, cancer biology and virology, biomedical imaging, bio-informatics, computational biology, and health disparities research.
Interdisciplinary Health Equity Research Center
Delaware Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)
Food, Nutrition and Dietetic Research
Learning about the food we eat, and what affects it before it becomes our food, is an important research aspect within the College of Agriculture and Related Sciences.
Material Science and Renewable Energy
When molecular engineering and clever processing are synergistically coupled, it allows the chemist to tailor complex hybrid systems that intersect the fields of materials chemistry and renewable energy. This represents not only a new field of basic research but the development of novel advanced functional nanomaterials, which, via their remarkable new properties and multifunctional nature, offer prospects for many new applications in the field of catalysis and nanotechnology.
Natural Resources Research
As one of the original HCBUs belonging to the group of nineteen 1890 land-grant institutions, DSU demonstrates a strong capacity for research, extension, and teaching in the food and agricultural sciences. Learn more about fisheries, environmental, and wildlife research at DSU:
Research Funding and Collaborations
Faculty have obtained research and educational funding through various agencies to support research projects and programs, establish centers and support student training. Developing partnerships with private and corporate sponsors, educational institutions, and federal and state agencies is central in establishing viable research programs.
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Student Opportunities and Learning Facilities
DSU is home to various projects in which students can take what they have learned in class and apply it to real-world situations. Additionally, students are encouraged to utilize learning through various college centers.
Cooperative Extension
A program through the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Cooperative Extension Program at Delaware State University preserves the 1890 land-grant legacy of outreach education in Delaware by targeting diverse audiences, with special emphasis on those with limited resources, to help them improve their quality of life.
Early Childhood Lab School
Our early childhood students log many hours in our on-site licensed facility that serves toddlers and preschoolers from the local community. The Lab School enables early childhood education majors to work with seasoned instructors, develop classroom skills, get familiar with multicultural educational settings and interact with parents — all while engaging their passion for teaching and working with young children.
College of Agriculture, Science & Technology
The CAST has various unique centers that facilitate hands-on learning.
They are:
- 192-acre DSU Outreach and Research Center
- 75-acre Hickory Hill Farm
- The Claude E. Phillips Herbarium – Ranked 87th out of 535 (Index Herbarium) in the country with plant specimens dating back to 1799 and books dating back to 1737. It is also the only public herbarium on the Delmarva Peninsula.
- Aquaculture Research and Demonstration Center
- Microbial Safety of Aquaculture Products Center of Excellence
- Microbial Seafood Safety Laboratory – the only USDA-ARS lab of its kind in the country
- Scanning Electron Microscope
- Research Greenhouse
- Center for Integrated Biological and Environmental Research (CIBER)
College of Business Centers
Our COB Centers provide assistance outside of the classroom for students and to members of the public seeking a business career.Delaware Center for Enterprise Development
Center for the Study of Innovation Management
DSU Optics Center
The Optics Center is home to OSCAR and all the research within the subject of optics. The use of lasers is growing rapidly in applications. As a result, degree recipients with expertise in optical science are in demand in the workforce and as professors to educate future generations.