Consultations & Services

Consultations, Services & Resources for Researchers
Delaware State University strives to connect researchers, students and collaborators with a breadth of services, consultations and resources to facilitate discovery and innovation in the research process.
Explore some of these opportunities below:
Research Design & Statistical Support
The following consultations are for qualitative and/or quantitative research design, as well as support for tools and equipment in microscopy and cell electrophysiology.
Click here to learn more about the IHER Center Research Capacity Core, which provides research consultations, evaluation, and support.
Community Engagement & Development Consultations
The following consultations are offered by the IHER Center Community Engagement & Development (CED) Core, which aims to make research more impactful and responsive to community needs and priorities.
Technical Resources & Software Technology
Utilize researcher tools like REDCap and BioRender to propel and enhance your projects.
RCMI Resources
DSU’s IHER Center is a part of a larger network of Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI), a program of the NIH National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. DSU researchers are encouraged to explore the resources and opportunities offered by the RCMI Coordinating Center.
Delaware Clinical & Translational Research - ACCEL
The Delaware CTR ACCEL Program promotes the innovation, acceleration, and translation of research to improve health outcomes, enhance future funding success, accelerate health care quality, actively engage community members, and advance research careers in Delaware.