Delaware Institute for Science & Technology (DIST)

The Delaware Institute for Science & Technology
The mission of DIST is to advance interdisciplinary science and technology research, education, and outreach at DSU, while simultaneously promoting innovation and economic development. DIST was established to serve the University’s mission of education, knowledge generation, and service to the community.
Research Core Facilities
Based in the Optical Science Center for Applied Research (OSCAR) building, the Institute supports three research core facilities that provide state-of-the-art equipment and services to researchers at DSU, partner universities, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and industry. The core facilities are the OSCAR Imaging Core, the Cell Electrophysiology Core, and the Delaware Nucleotide Analysis (DNA) Core.
Research Centers
DIST is also the administrative home of three NIH-funded projects – the Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) program, the Delaware Center for Neuroscience Research, and the Interdisciplinary Health Equity Research (IHER) Center. The DSU Advanced Quantum Sensing Center and the Center for Neighborhood Revitalization & Research are also based within the Institute.
DIST Leadership & Staff
The Institute is lead by a team of researchers, faculty, and staff; many of whom also serve in roles within constituent DIST cores and centers.
Melissa A. Harrington, Ph.D.
Institute Director
Associate Vice President for Research
mharrington [at]
(302) 857-6656
Dorothy Dillard, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Neighborhood Revitalization & Research
ddillard [at]
Jacquelyn Jones
Associate Director for Outreach, Center for Research & Education
jjones [at]
Brittany Maday
Director, Research Development & Services
bmaday [at]
Michael Moore
Imaging Core Manager
mmoore [at]

“ Organizations like ours need to be engaged in a real way, in a participatory way. We can make a real difference when we think about [research] comprehensively, as opposed to a single discipline.” Dr. Tony Allen, DSU President