Admissions Events

Buzz In Wednesdays
Delaware State University is hosting “Buzz in Wednesdays”, for perspective freshmen students who are interested in applying to the University. Prospective students will have an opportunity to speak individually with an admissions counselor, obtain an onsite decision, receive assistance with general admissions inquiries, learn about financial aid, and schedule future meetings with their University departments.
Learn more about Buzz in Wednesdays
Hornet Days
Hornet Days are designed to give high school seniors the opportunity to see what it’s like to be a student at Delaware State University. Come spend the day with students and visit thought-provoking classes with expert faculty, learn about co-curricular activities, tour our expanding campus and have lunch in the Village Café. Our knowledgeable admissions counselors will be on hand to meet with you about the admissions process, scholarship opportunities and financial aid. There may even be an opportunity for you to be accepted on the spot if you meet all entrance requirements!
Open House
Open House is held two times each year, in the spring and fall and is an opportunity to learn more about Delaware State University. Our knowledgeable admissions counselors will be on hand to meet with you about the admissions process, scholarship opportunities and financial aid.
Transfer Wednesdays
Transfer Wednesdays are for students who are interested in transferring to the University. Prospective students will have an opportunity to speak one-on-one with an admissions coordinator, learn about financial aid, have their transcripts evaluated to find out which credits will transfer, and schedule future meetings with their academic department.
Learn more about the transfer process and register
Welcome Days
In an effort to help you get ready for your new life as a Delaware State University student, you are required to attend Welcome Days - our signature event created to help new students make a smooth transition from high school to Hornet Nation. The event is held on the main campus located in Dover, Delaware, at the start of the school year in August. Information will be posted closer to the event.