
Leadership and Administration
The dedicated staff of professors, coaches, public safety officials and many more at Delaware State University are willing and ready to help you. Administration offices are located on campus in the Claibourne D. Smith Administration Building. We can be reached at 302.857.6060 (daytime) or 302.857.6290 (evening) or by submitting a request. You may also refer to the contact page for important University phone numbers, email addresses and locations.
Community Focused
The President works in collaboration with the Board of Trustees and Faculty Senate to oversee and govern the Delaware State University community. With their guidance, as well as listening to the University community at large, the administration is able to create an equal and open space.
Mission/Vision Statement
Mission: Rigorously leverage a proud HBCU legacy and commitment to excellence in every field of human endeavor to enhance the recruitment and preparation of talented professionals to contribute to a sustainable, global community.
Vision: Delaware State University strives to become America’s most diverse, contemporary HBCU by expanding its capacity to provide a life-changing, high-quality, low-cost education to 10,000+ students; continuing our efforts to achieve R1 “very high research activity” status; and having a significant, measurable impact on the social, technological, and economic challenges that face our State, the nation, and the world.
Core Values: Diversity, Community, Integrity, Scholarship, Contemporary, Outreach
Alumni Relations
The Office of Alumni Relations fosters the positive, lasting relationship between alumni and the University.
Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs is one of five administrative divisions at Delaware State University. The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs oversees all operations of the Division of Academic Affairs and is responsible for the University’s colleges and departments, the additional locations and related academic activities in coordination with the Office of the President.
Institutional Advancement
We encourage you to support Delaware State University today and directly benefit our University.
Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources is committed to maintaining and retaining a diverse workforce to accomplish the objectives and goals of the university.
General Counsel/Legal Affairs
Please direct any questions to the University General Counsel at legalaffairs [at] (.)
All FOIA requests should be submitted to the University General Counsel via email to legalaffairs [at] (subject: FOIA%20) .
News and Media
Police Department
The Police Department assures to serve and protect the Delaware State University community with various safety initiatives.
Finance and Administration
The primary responsibility of Finance and Administration is to ensure a clean, safe, productive campus environment while providing the highest quality service in support of academic excellence.
Information Technology
The University’s Information and Technology Services provides support and solutions for all technological needs on campus.
Marketing and Communications
The Marketing and Communications department provides all promotional services for the University community, as well as providing website consulting.
University Policies and Procedures
The Policies and Procedures Manual for Delaware State University includes most general University policies.
Sexual Misconduct, Harassment & Sex Discrimination (Title IX)
Delaware State University is committed fighting harassment and ensuring the rights of its faculty, staff and students are protected within full scope of the law.
Internal Audit and Advisory Services
Internal Audit and Advisory Services is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve Delaware State University’s operations.