Psychological Emergency/Crisis
A psychological emergency is: a situation where there is an imminent risk of harm. It requires immediate response. It includes, but is not limited to: risk of suicide; risk of physical harm to others; states of serious impaired judgment in which an individual is endangered (e.g., self-injury or mutilation); and situations of risk to defenseless victims (e.g., sexual assault, or abuse).
A psychological crisis is: when an individual is not threatening harm – but is experiencing acute disruption of psychological balance – and there is evidence of distress and functional impairment (e.g., extreme grief, moderate/severe anxiety and/or depression).
Student/Faculty/Staff Action:
- Never try to handle a situation you feel is dangerous on your own.
- Notify the University Police Department of the situation, dial 302.857.7911.
- Clearly state that you need immediate assistance, give your name, your location and the area involved.
University Police Action:
- If the student has made a suicide attempt or gesture, call emergency services (911) immediately.
- If the student has not made an attempt, but is having ideas, thinking and talking about committing suicide transport student to Dover Behavioral Health, or Kent Gen – ER (If student is non-compliant).
- If it’s unclear what should be done, call the Crisis Intervention Service (Mobile Crisis) at 1.800.345.6785, or DSU Director of Counseling.
- Note: Dover Behavioral Health System (DBHS) at 302.741.0140 is a 24-hour, 7-Day per week facility. DBHS is located at: 725 Horsepond Road, Dover, DE 19901
If the student is not threatening suicide but is experiencing extreme emotional distress (such as: grief, anxiety, or depression), ask them to call one of the numbers below:
- DSU Counseling Office: 302.857.7381
- Delaware Crisis Intervention Service (DCIS): 1.800.345.6785
- Dover Behavioral Health System (DBHS): 302.741.0140
- Delaware CONTACTLIFELINE: 1.800.262.9800
- Sexual Assault Hotline: 1.800.656.HOPE