Our Services
All students are encouraged to utilize our Centers beginning week one of the semester. We want our students to view tutors and SI Leaders as a resource to better understand course concepts and gain insight into study and test-taking strategies within a collaborative peer learning environment. Students will become more confident in their learning and be able to apply critical thinking skills to other courses.
DSU Main Campus: W. C. Jason Library: Second Floor |
DSU Downtown: Budd Hall - Lower Level Floor |
IASS Centers:
- Supplemental Instruction (SI): Our mission is to foster a supportive, approachable, and dynamic learning environment where students can enhance their understanding of challenging course materials. Through weekly sessions that offer collaborative, interactive, and flexible learning opportunities; SI leaders aim to address diverse learning styles and needs. By attending lectures and collaborating closely with both students and faculty, SI leaders seek to create a comfortable and engaging space that helps students build confidence and apply effective study strategies. The ultimate goal of the Supplemental Instruction program is to support student success in historically difficult classes and ensure every student has access to the resources and support they need to succeed.
- Locations:
DSU Main Campus: W. C. Jason Library, Room 210
- Locations:
- Quantitative Reasoning Center (QRC - Math): Tutors help students to persist and succeed in math courses ranging from Algebra A to Calculus III.
- Locations:
DSU Main Campus: W. C. Jason Library, Room 212 DSU Downtown: Budd Hall, Lower Level, Room 4
- Locations:
- Writing Studio: Our Writing Studio serves all DSU students across disciplines. Believing that writing is one of the major university activities, we offer in-person and virtual writing tutoring services in a welcoming, inclusive, and learner-friendly environment. Our well-trained writing tutors support graduate and undergraduate students throughout their writing process and guide them across the curriculum. For this, the writing tutors meet students one-on-one or in groups, work together, and help each student or group meet their writing needs. The writing tutors initiate discussion and guide you to the various stages of writing such as brainstorming, essay planning, developing a thesis statement, writing an introduction, developing body paragraphs with topic sentences, and composing an effective conclusion. Further, they will support you step by step in researching and documenting sources (APA, MLA, Chicago, and so on).
Throughout the tutorial sessions, we travel through your writing together and work with higher-order concerns (such as content and overall structure) as well as lower-order concerns (specific writing issues to be fixed) in your writing with the intent to help you become a better writer. Please do visit the Writing Studio with anything that involves writing.
- Locations:
DSU Main Campus: W. C. Jason Library, Room 205 DSU Downtown: Budd Hall, Lower Level, Room 8
- Locations:
- Tutorial Center: Tutors help students to persist and succeed in a wide range of courses: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Spanish, French, Psychology, Computer Science, Study Skills, etc
- Locations:
DSU Main Campus: W. C. Jason Library, Room 206 DSU Downtown: Budd Hall, Lower Level, Room 5
- Locations:
- Tutor.com: Free 24/7 online tutoring tool that all DSU students can access at any time through a link found in their Blackboard courses.
- Computer Labs: The labs provide computers for students to work on academic or professional purposes.
- Locations:
DSU Main Campus: W. C. Jason Library, Room 206 DSU Downtown: Budd Hall, Lower Level, Room 5
- Locations:
Learn More about IASS below
** Please click the image below to learn a bit more about IASS **
Click here to learn more about IASS: Who Are We video to view information about our services.