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Forms & Publications

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General Documents

Verification Documents

2022-2023 Verification Forms and Information

Not all students selected for verification will need to complete all worksheets.  Please only complete the worksheets requested by the Office of Financial Aid. Review your myDESU account if you are unsure which forms you need.

Delaware State University Office of Financial Aid has moved to a new self-service mobile financial aid process called Campus Logic.

Are you a New User?

Follow the steps below to set up your Campus Logic account from any mobile device or computer.  This is one-time account creation.  You will be asked for some basic information when creating your account. This information is used to validate your identity so electronic signatures can be used on future forms.

Four Easy Steps:

Once your account is created, any required tasks you need to complete will become available.  Your success is our top priority.  Providing the best student experience is vital, and we heard your feedback loud and clear.  You wanted to be able to complete financial aid processes on your own time, on the device of your preference. We’re proud to say that now you can!

If you have already created a CL account, scan the following QR Code:

QR Code for verification link

Or visit desu.verifymyfafsa.com

Loan Documents

No documents available.


Satisfactory Academic Progress