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Registration and Planning

Accessing the Registration Menu

  • Log in to myDESU Homepage
    • Option 1: Select the Student Profile page and click Registration and Planning.
    • Option 2: From the Student Services page, Select Register Now

The Registration Menu will populate. 

Prepare for Registration 

This includes details of your holds, academic standing, student status, classification, earned credit hours, registration permits granted, and a summary of your declared curriculum (major & degree). This is a good place to check for barriers which may prevent you from registering in a current or upcoming term.
prepare registration

Plan Ahead

This is a tool for students and advisors to build a planned class schedule that can include courses and/or class sections, as well as notes about individual classes or about the plan. Registration plans are typically built by students and/or their advisors before registration opens for a new term.  Please note that failing grades will put you out of sequence.

Select Plan Ahead

Once you select a specific Term, select Create a New Plan.
create plan

Enter your Search Criteria of the course.

Select the course you wish to add to your plan.
pan 1

View the sections available for that course and add it to your plan. Once you add the course, you can Search Again to select another search criteria. 
plan 2

Once you add the course, it will show as pending until registration is available to add the course to your schedule.
plan 3

Once you have completed creating your plan, select Save Plan and give a name. You can create up to two plans.
save plan

Below shows a student who has created two plans.  
two plans

You can create a new plan or select one already created.  To select a plan already created, click on Create a Plan, then click on Degree Works Plans. The below shows the MSW-Social Work (2022) plan.  
plan review

Action Items

If there are items you need to complete prior to registering, you will be prompted to address before moving forward.  
action items

Click on View Action Item(s) and see example below.
view acti0n items

Complete the action items and Save.
processing action item

Register for Classes

Accessing the Registration Menu:

  • Log in to myDESU Homepage.
    • Option 1: From your Student Profile page click Registration and Planning.
    • Option 2: Click on the Student Services Icon, Select Register Now.

The Registration Menu will populate as shown below.
reg for class

Select the term, click Continue.
select term

Click in the Subject box to see the list of courses. 
select subject

Enter your search criteria, click Search.

Courses matching your search criteria will appear in a list as shown below.

  1. Once you find a section that fits your schedule, click Add.
  2. The course is now listed as pending in your course summary.

  3. If you wish to register for more sections, click Search Again and repeat steps 3 and 4.


To process your registration changes, click Submit in the course summary pane.

  1. If there are issues with the class you selected, it will appear at the top right of the screen.   If there are registration errors, please request assistance.

The default view in Register for Classes looks like the screenshot below. The top pane allows you to search for classes, and the bottom panes show the student’s class schedule summary in a calendar format on the left and as a list on the right. As students add classes from the top pane, they are first added to the schedule Summary in a “Pending” status (similar to a shopping cart). Students can see how the class would fit with their current class schedule before attempting to register for the class. Students can also drop and waitlist classes from here.

Photo shows the default view in Register for Classes. The top pane allows you to search for classes. The bottom panes show the student’s class schedule summary in a calendar format on the left and as a summary view on the right. As students add classes from the top pane, they are first added to the schedule Summary in a “Pending” status (similar to a shopping cart). Students can see how the class would fit with their current class schedule before attempting to register for the class. Students can also drop and waitlist classes from here.”

The below shows the Schedule Details to the bottom left.

  1. Assuming there are no registration errors, a registration notice will appear at the top right of the screen indicating the save was successful.

save success

View Registration Information

Students can use this to view their class schedule in various formats. The default page displays the Class Schedule for a term in both simple list and calendar formats. The Schedule Details (in the calendar format pane) displays more detailed information about each class, including start and end dates, meeting days/times, classroom, and instructor(s).

Click on a class title to access full class details, including the catalog course description, textbook information, enforced prerequisites and other registration restrictions, and special class fees.

Note that these views of a class schedule only reflect actively registered classes, and do not include withdrawn or waitlisted classes. Withdrawn classes (classes that have been dropped during the restrictive drop/add period with an automatic grade of W assigned) and waitlisted classes (those in which you are not yet registered but are on the registration waitlist) can be seen in the Register for Classes section.

view registration info

Browse Classes

This feature allows multiple ways to search for class sections offered in a semester. After selecting a term, you can enter your search criteria in the fields provided or click the Advanced Search link.

select term

class criteria

Tips for entering search criteria in the Browse Classes tool:

  • Entering a subject is NOT required.
  • To see the available list of values for a search criterion, click in that field and the options will display below. Click on one or more options to include them in your search criteria. To narrow down the values that display, start typing the description, then select the desired option from the smaller list that appears. (Note that adding multiple options in a single search criterion will connect those options with an “or” when applying your search criteria.)
  • The % wildcard character can be used in the Course Number and Title fields.
  • To return open sections only, use the Advanced Search and click the Open Sections Only box (at the very bottom). Note that full/closed sections with waitlists will display in the results.
  • Click the Clear link at the bottom to clear out all previous search criteria and start fresh with a new search.

Your search results will display in a list format like the image below:
browse class results

Tips for viewing class details in the search results:

  • If you hover over some items that aren’t fully displayed, a pop-up box will appear that shows all the details.  Below shows the popup box to display the Meeting Times.
    meeting times
  • Click on a class title to access full class details, including the catalog course description, textbook information, enforced prerequisites and other registration restrictions, and special class fees:
    class details
  • Use the vertical scroll bar on the right (if needed) to view more sections on the page, the horizontal scroll bar on the bottom (if needed) to view more information about the classes, and use the page navigation tools in the lower left corner to access more search results and/or adjust the number of sections that display per page:
  • The lower right corner will display the number of class sections that matched your search criteria:
  • To start a new search, click the green Search Again button in the upper right corner.
    search again

Browse Course Catalog


Select a term.
select term

Select a course subject.
subject course

Tips for entering search criteria in the new Browse Course Catalog tool:

  • Entering a subject is NOT required.
  • To see the available list of values for a search criterion, click in that field and the options will display below. Click on one or more options to include them in your search criteria. To narrow down the values that display, start typing the description, then select the desired option from the smaller list that appears. (Note that adding multiple options in a single search criterion will connect those options with an “or” when applying your search criteria.)
  • The % wildcard character can be used in the Course Number and Title fields.
  • To return open sections only, use the Advanced Search and click the Open Sections Only box (at the very bottom). Note that full/closed sections with waitlists will display in the results.
  • Click the Clear link at the bottom to clear out all previous search criteria and start fresh with a new search.

Your search results will display in a list format like the image below:
subject results

Here are some tips for viewing course details in the search results:

  • If you hover over some items that aren’t fully displayed, a box will appear that shows all the details.  For example, see “Description” below.
  • Click on a course title to access full course catalog details, including the catalog course description, credit hours, level(s), schedule type, enforced prerequisites and other registration restrictions, and special course fees:
    class details
  • Click on the View Sections button to view the list of class sections offered for that course in the term.
  • To start a new search, click the green Search Again button in the upper right corner.