DSU Concert Choir Annual Spring Concert, April 30
Delaware State University and the Department of Music is hosting its Annual Spring Choir Concert, which will feature the DSU Concert Choir under the direction of Dr. Lloyd Mallory, director of Choral Activities.
The concert will take place at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 30 in the Education and Humanities Theatre on campus. The admission cost is $5; children under age 14 will be admitted free.
Dr. Mallory, who is also the chair of the DSU Department of Music, said the Concert Choir selections “will cross the genres of classical, spiritual and jazz.”
The 2017 Spring Concert will be unique, as for the first time the event will include separate performances by the DSU Early College High School Chorus and from children of the University’s Early Childhood Development School.
“The idea to incorporate the Early College High School and the Childhood Development School came from the University’s public relations students who are working on a service-learning project in the Department of Mass Communications,” Dr. Mallory said. “This is a great opportunity for our students to work collaboratively across disciplines.”
All proceeds will be used to support student travel, production and academic-related activities for music and music education majors.
In addition to the music performances, there will be a can food drive to support the Harry K. Foundation Food Pantry, an emergency food resource for students on campus.