Home > News > Kappas Reunite at DSU for Convergence Weekend Feb. 4

Kappas Reunite at DSU for Convergence Weekend Feb. 4

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Feb. 5, 2012
An unprecedented fraternity reunion took place during the weekend of Feb. 4 as the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. held a Convergence Weekend on campus.
The Convergence Weekend gathered Kappa brothers from as far back as the 1940s (when the first Beta Sigma Kappa Chapter was established at then Delaware State College in 1946), and also included Kappas from other institutions nearby institutions such as the University of Delaware and University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
See the below photos slideshow for some images from the Convergence Weekend, followed by more information below about the Kappa events


While some of the Kappas arrived in Dover on Friday, Feb. 3 for a Crimson and Cream Meet and Greet event at the Hilton Garden Inn, the bulk of the activities took place on Saturday, Feb. 4.
After a breakfast at the University Village Cafe and a morning guided tour of the campus, the Kappas shared their life experiences with current DSU students in a Kappa Connection – Career Networking event. Other activities included the sharing of golden memories from some of the older Kappas, a step show, and a presentation about the current state of affairs at DSU by University President Harry L. Williams.
The Convergence Weekend culminated at the Norfolk State vs. DSU basketball game, in which the Kappas witnessed the Hornet Men’s impressive upset of the 1st place Spartans.
The Kappa Convergence was spearheaded by faithful Kappa and DSU alumni Norman Oliver, class of 1985.