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DSU Concert Choir to Present Spring Concert

Friday, April 20, 2012

The DSU Concert Choir will present its annual Spring Concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 29 in the Education and Humanities Theatre.

Mallory directsDr. Lloyd Mallory, Jr., is completing his first year as the DSU director of Choral Activities.

Among the selections to be performed, the DSU Choir will do a tribute to legendary R&B singer Whitney Houston, who passed away earlier this year.

The Spring Concert is free and open to the public.

The concert will also feature several guest artists – vocalist Paula Higgins of Baltimore, Md., piano recording artist John Stoddart and organist Rodney Whitley. An orchestra will accompany the choir, which will include some members of the DSU Concert Band.

The DSU Choir is directed by Dr. Lloyd B. Mallory, Jr., who is completing his first academic year as an associate professor and director of Choral Activities at DSU.

“It is the culminating event in which we celebrate all we have learned throughout the year and the graduating seniors, as well as give us an opportunity to thank our supporters,” Dr. Mallory said.