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Several DSU Students Honored in Research Competitions

Friday, April 13, 2012

Several Delaware State University students have distinguished themselves recently in research competitions.

Theres Williams 2nd place posterTheresa Williams took second place with her research poster at the Emerging Researchers National

At the recent Emerging Researchers National in Atlanta, Ga., Adrianne Brown, a senior biological science major (with a minor in chemistry) from Hamden, Conn., won first place in the Biological Sciences (Plant Science research poster presentation.

The topic of Ms. Brown’s research was “Selected in WRKY – Transcription Factors Analysis in Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) During Rust Fungal Infection Using Semi Quantitative PCR.

Although a biological sciences major, Ms. Brown conducted her research in the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources under the guidance of her advisor Dr. Venu  Kalavacharla, assistant professor of agriculture.

In addition, Theresa Williams, a sophomore biological sciences major from Washington, D.C., won second place in the same category. Her research was on “Amyloid precursor protein levels in an estrogen-receptor knockout.” Her advisors are Dr. Princy Mennella, assistant professor of biological sciences, and Dr. Leonard Davis, chair of the Department of Biological Sciences.

Also, at the recent 69th annual Joint Meeting of the National Institute of Science – Beta Kappa Chi Conference in Nashville, Tenn., two McNair Research Program scholars received research poster awards.

McNair research winner

(L-r) Clinton Williams and Kimele Gray represented the McNair Program well at the recent Beta Kappa Chi Conference in Nashville.

Kimele Gray, a senior psychology major from East Orange, N.J., won a second place award for her research on “The Effect of Paternal Stress of Child Cognitive Development at 24 months of age.” Clinton Williams, a junior pre-veterinary major from Philadelphia, won a second place award for his research on “Efficacy of Pumpkin Seed Oil in Parasite Control of Lambs.”

Ms. Gray’s mentor was Dr. Antoinette Farmer, dean of the School of Social Work at Rutgers University, where the DSU student did her summer 2011 research internship. Mr. Williams’ mentor was Dr. Dahlia Jackson-O’Brien, a small ruminant specialist with the DSU Cooperative Extension.