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Mable Morrison's Honorary Doctorate
In this photo: Mable Morrison’s Honorary Doctorate

DSU Celebrates Mable Morrison’s Honorary Doctorate

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It was a genuine celebration in which all were on one accord in their feelings about Dr. Mable Morrison, DSU’s latest honorary doctorate recipient.

DSU President Harry L. Williams and his wife Dr. Robin Williams hosted a May 22 reception at the President’s Residence in celebration of her 50 years as a DSU music faculty member as well as the Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters she received during the May 20 DSU Commencement ceremony

The DSU president noted that never before had there been so many people in attendance at an event at the President’s residence during his two-year-plus tenure – clearly reflective of the love, admiration and

M Morrison, Dr Brockington, Dr Stone, HenryThe 1965 DSC Department of Music: (l-r) Beatrice Henry, Mable Morrison, Dr. Reppard Stone and Dr. Howard Brockington.

respect the campus community has for Dr. Morrison.

In addition to many of the present DSU community attended the celebration, the event also attracted many others from DSU past, such as former DSU President William B. DeLauder and his wife Vermell, former early 1960s music chair Dr. Reppard Stone, former 1960s to 1990s music chair Dr. Howard Brockington,  former dean and provost Kenneth Bell, former dean of students Gladys Motley, and many others.

Dr. Morrison was presented with plaques and tributes from Department of Music, The College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, the Office of the Provost, as well as from the state House of Representatives, the state Senate and the Gov. Jack Markell. Thompson Hospitality provided lunch and a contingent of DSU music students and faculty member provided some jazz music.