DSU to hold Jan. 21 MLK Program; Rev. John Moore as Keynote Speaker
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Delaware State University and the Inner City Cultural League, Inc., will hold the 28th annual Martin Luther King, Jr., National Holiday Program at 12 noon Monday, Jan. 21 in the Education and Humanities Theatre on the DSU campus.
The keynote speaker will be the Rev. John Moore, Sr., vice president of the United Way of Delaware and the youth pastor at Calvary Baptist Church. The Rev. Moore is well-known throughout the state of Delaware and beyond for his uncanny portrayal of Dr. King through his presentation of the martyred civil rights leader’s famous speeches.
The Rev. Moore was recently awarded the 2012 Delaware State Educator Association’s Human and Civil Rights Award.
The program will also feature musical selections by the Sankofa String Orchestra and the Mt. Zion AME Church (of Dover) Children’s Choir, as well as spoken word and hip hop artist Amillion the Poet.