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DSU President Harry L. Williams Makes Student Meetings a Priority

Friday, April 12, 2013

DSU President Harry L. Williams spends a lot of time meeting with DSU stakeholders, which includes the primary constituent of the University – its students.

Dr. Williams often meets with student groups in the comfortable confines of his office, such as this recent meeting with the Senior Class officers.

While Dr. Williams meets monthly with the DSU Student Government Association executive officers, he also carves out time for a variety of other student groups. In these gatherings, Dr. Williams talks to the students about their academic journey and campus life at DSU and gets a sense from them what is working on campus and what can be improved upon.

“I would be remiss if I didn’t take time out to sit down often with the students and listen to them talk about their experiences on campus and their thoughts on how we might do things better,” Dr. Williams said. “Our efforts to be the number one HBCU in the country have to have the input of our students.”

Over the last academic year, Dr. Williams has met with various class officers and SGA elected officials, ethnic student organizations, spiritual and religious student groups, Inspire Scholars, and other organizations and clubs on campus.

Gianna Harris, Senior Class vice president, said she greatly appreciated her group’s meeting with the DSU president. She noted that most students at other universities do not get that opportunity.

I admire that he sat down with us and that he valued what we said. He listened to us and he was engaged in the conversation,” Ms. Harris said. “I believe that President Williams is in the process of making changes to the University for the better!”