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DSU Appoints Dr. Judi Coffield First Director of Early College HS

Monday, August 12, 2013
Delaware State University has established the top leadership of its planned Early College High School with the hiring of Dr. Judi L. Coffield.

                   Dr. Judi L. Coffield

Dr. Coffield will serve as the director of the public charter school that is slated to open in September 2014.
A resident of Magnolia, Del., Dr. Coffield comes to the new post after serving for two years as the director of K-12 services in the Christina School District in New Castle County, Del. Prior to that she was a policy analyst/executive director and education associate for middle/high school support for the Delaware State Board of Education from 2004-2011. She also served as an instructional technology supervisor for K-12 for the Red Clay School District in New Castle County from 2000-2004.
Her education career – which began in 1988 – also has included teaching stints in the Red Clay School District, Capital School District, Lake Forest School District, overseas in the Department of Defense Dependents School, and as an adjunct professor at the University of Delaware and the University of Pennsylvania.
She has a 1986 Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from West Liberty State College in West Virginia, a 1996 Master of Instruction from the University of Delaware, and a 2006 Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Delaware. She also has certificates in Introductory and Advanced Educational Technology from Delaware Technical & Community College.
Dr. Coffield will lead the organization of the new charter school in preparation for its opening next fall.
The planned charter high school will be the state’s first Early College High School, which will be designed specifically to serve first generation college-bound students. The Early College High School is a nationally recognized school design brought to Delaware through a partnership between Innovative Schools, a Delaware-based nonprofit public school support organization, and EdWorks, a nationally known consultant that specializes in high school innovations.
The University will blend the Early College Charter High School with its existing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) initiative.