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Senior SGA Group Lunches With DSU President

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Nine DSU seniors can count a recent lunch with DSU President Harry L. Williams as one of the culminating highlights of their undergraduate academic journey.

The seniors – all representatives of the DSU Student Government Association – had lunch with Dr. Williams in the Hardcastle/Selby Board of Trustees Conference Room on April 17. During that time, the DSU president got to know the students -- most of whom are graduating on time this May -- and also shared some of his life experiences.

“I really appreciated him taking the time to get to know us on a personal level, and especially for the advice he gave us, because it came from the DSU president,” said Chascidy Reeves, the 2013-2014 Miss DSU.

Teryn Chamberlain, president of the Campus Activities Board, said their time with the president was a reflection of their accomplishments that have taken place over four years. “It was an honor to share a lunch with him and for him to give us his experience and words of wisdom,” she said.

Throughout his presidential tenure – which begin in January 2010 – Dr. Williams meets frequently with different groups of students to get know them and hear first-hand their concerns.