June Accomplishments and Events
DSU Public Safety Represents in Annual Special Olympic Torch Run
Officers from the DSU Police Department recently participated in the 2014 Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run, which raised funds for Delaware Special Olympics. Taking part in the Torch Run were Cpl. Joy Simmonds (above left carrying the torch), Ptl. Heather Golding, Ptl. Jennifer Bastianelli, Ptl. Carter Skinner and others.
Yury Markushin |
Ph.D. Candidate Awarded Scholarship
Yury Markushin, a founding officer of a newly established DSU chapter of SPIE (an international academic society for optics and photonics), has been awarded a $2,000 scholarship from the national SPIE organization.
Mr. Markushin, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Physics and Engineering, has been awarded a 2014 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship by SPIE for his potential contributions to the field of optics, photonics or related field. His research is focused on design and implementation of a polarimetric scanning Laser Detection and Ranging System (LADAR).
He is also a founding member and a vice-president of SPIE student chapter at Delaware State University, which was formally established in May. “I am proud to accept the SPIE Optics and Photonics Educational Scholarship and honored to be a part of SPIE as a student member,” said Mr. Markushin. “That gave me a priceless opportunity to learn about the latest innovations and findings in the field of Optics and Remote Sensing.”