DSU Announces $1.2M Grant Award from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
On October 26, Delaware State University was joined by Gov. Jack Markell, U.S. Sen. Chris Coons, U.S. Rep. John Carney and other dignitaries to announce a $1.2M grant award from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The announcement of this grant is significant news for the University. “The partnership between our University and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one where the Foundation is partnering with institutions that are transforming their higher education models so that more students -- especially low-income and first generation students -- graduate at higher rates, with high-quality degrees or credentials at an affordable price,” said Dr. Teresa Hardee, senior vice president and chief operating officer at Delaware State University. “Partnering with Gates will support our work by using data to support student success,” said Hardee.
The University has developed “personal” Individualized Development Plans (IDPs) for each and every entering freshman. This allows for a tailored academic experience to ensure student success. This process also includes counseling, tutoring and virtual services for any student who may need assistance. This individual attention will allow for aggressive, intrusive and predicting advising of each student.
“This partnership is not solely focused on Delaware State University,” said President Harry L. Williams, but is national in scope. They will be looking closely at the results of our initiative here at DSU, with an eye for sharing with other institutions of higher education across the country once its effectiveness is proven.