Dr. Debbie Harrington Sworn in as New Board Member
The Delaware State University Board of Trustees today swore in its newest member -- Dr. Debbie Harrington, a retired U.S. Army colonel.
Dr. Harrington -- a native of Portsmouth, Va., and currently a resident of Middletown, Del. -- has been appointed to a six-year term by the board to succeed former board member Wesley Perkins, whose term expired Aug. 31.
In her Army career, Dr. Harrington was an expert logistician with 25 years of experience in international multi-modal transportation systems and infrastructure, procurement, contracts, facility management and supply distribution.
After her retirement from the U.S. Army in 2005, Dr. Harrington worked in the areas of nonprofit organizational management, community development and social justice.
She has served the State of Delaware in several capacities. She served on a task force established by the state General Assembly to study education for students with visual impairments. She also works with the Delaware Department of Visual Impairment on education and employment initiatives and serves on its Rehabilitation Advisory Council.
Most recently, Dr. Harrington has worked with the Delaware Department of Education to strategically plan for the education of students with low-incidence disabilities. She also is an appointed commissioner and chairs the commission that administers the State Use Law.
She has managed the Sanctuary at Kingdom Square, a mega Baptist Church in Landover, Md., and the Resurrection Center churches in Wilmington and Middletown. At those churches, she has conducted capital planning and extensive outreach opportunities in education and economic empowerment.
She has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Norfolk State University in Virginia, a Master of Science in National Resource Strategy from the National Defense University, Industrial College of the Armed Forces in Washington, D.C., and a Doctor of Education in Innovation and Organizational Leadership from Wilmington University.