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DSU Student Scientists Make their Mark at AMP Conference

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

DSU, research, AMP Conference

Sandra Suarez, a senior agriculture (pre-veterinarian) major, took 2nd place for her Agriculture Science category research poster.

DSU graduate and undergraduate students recently represented Del State well at the 18th Annual Philadelphia AMP Research Symposium and Mentoring Conference in Philadelphia, where two students won 1st place prizes for their research presentations and others also won awards.

Thirteen DSU undergraduate students and 10 graduate students attended the conference.

All of the undergraduate awardees took part last summer in the International Science and Technology Academy for Research Scholars trip from May 22 to June 21, in which they conducted research at the University of Science and Technology (UTP) in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Their research mentors were faculty members from UTP who worked with them on their research projects during the trip.

The winning undergraduate students included:

  • Edward Addison, a junior chemistry/biological sciences major, took 1st place in the Physical Science category for his research poster presentation on the “Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Polymerization Kinetics’ Studies of Selected Difluoroborate Derivatives and their Precursors.” His winning poster earned him a $350 monetary award. His research mentor was Dr. Borys Osmialowski of UTP.
  • Sandra Suarez, a senior agriculture (pre-veterinarian) major, took 2nd place in the Agriculture Science category for her poster presentation on the “Characterization of Growth Kinetics of Quail Oviduct Cells in Vitro.” Her 2nd place finish earned her a $250 monetary award. Her research mentor was Dr. Katarzyna Stadnicka of UTP.

Others recognized for their poster were Taylor Worrell-Stith, 3rd place in Agriculture Science category; Briana Reaves, honorable mention in the Life & Biological Sciences category; and Jamila Davis, honorable mention in the Physical Sciences category.

The graduate students were from DSU’s Bridge to the Doctorate Program and competed in oral competitions during the conference. The awardees included:

DSU, AMP Conference, ResearchDeidra Carter and Alexis Shelton, two DSU biological sciences graduate students, brought home 1st and 2nd place awards, respectively, from the AMP Conference.

  • Deidra Carter, a biological sciences graduate student, won 1st place in the Biological Sciences category for her oral presentation on “Alexander’s Disease: An Astrocyte Mouse Model of TDP-43 Proteinopathy.” Her winning presentation earned her a $500 monetary award. Her research mentor was Dr. Michael Gitcho, DSU assistant professor of biological sciences.
  • Alexis Shelton, a biological science graduate student, won 2nd place in the Life & Biological Sciences category for her oral presentation on “CD44 – Associated Response to Hydrogen Peroxide-Mediated Oxidative Stress in MCF-7 Cells." Her presentation earned her a $350 monetary award. Her research mentor was Dr. Karl E. Miletti, DSU assistant professor of biological sciences.  

Other graduate students who won awards included: Michael D. Hughes Jr., 3rd place in the Agriculture Science category; Omar Melton, honorable mention in the Physical Sciences category; Daniel White, honorable mention in the Life & Biological Sciences category; and Michael R. Peays, honorable mention in the Math/Computer Sciences category.

The AMP Research Symposium was held on Oct. 29 in the Sheraton University City Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.