DSU Founders Day – Article and Photo Slideshow
The annual Founders Day Program on Feb. 9 featured great music and a wealth of remembrances from DSU alumni.
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While the snow in other parts of the region and beyond prevented several planned program participants from traveling to Dover to participate in the event, the Founders Day program went forward richly with others in the Education and Humanities Theatre.
Dr. Donald Blakey, Class of 1958 and his wife Dolores, Class of 1962 – who met and married during their Delaware State College undergraduates years – gave the largely freshmen audience an idea of what it was like to go school at Del State in the 1950s.
At the end of their talk, Dr. Blakey told students that when they transition to the status of alumni, the University will need their help. And to practice what he was preaching, Dr. Blakey and his wife then presented a $10,000 donation to DSU.
Dr. Reba Hollingsworth, Class of 1949, shared an even older perspective of life on the Del State campus, and noted that many of her peers came from low-income circumstances.
“But being poor and in poverty is not an excuse to be uneducated and ignorant,” Dr. Hollingsworth noted.
Dr. Wilma Mishoe, who grew up on campus as the daughter of DSC President Luna I. Mishoe, shared some memories of her father. She recalled the pride her father had in the first construction project completed under his leadership – the Science Building, erected in 1964.
Every night he would take us for a walk down the street (from the President’s Residence) to check on the progress of the Science Building’s construction,” said Dr. W. Mishoe, who is also a current member of the DSU Board of Trustees.
The gathering also heard from Dr. Mable Morrison, a 53-year associate professor of music; Shelia Davis, president of the DSU Alumni Association, Class of 2001; current senior student Porchia Brewer, and for Miss DSC Debra Ruffin-Sipple, Class of 1980.
The program featured a performance by the DSU Concert Choir, which sang the Roland M. Carter composition “Rise, Shine For The Light Is A’Coming,” featuring soloists Devin Davis and Tommia Procter.
The program was emceed by Brenda Farmer, director of Ceremonies and Events, and Dr. Bradley Skelcher, associate provost.