Dr. Jalaal Hayes to receive IAOTP Honor
Dr. Jalaal Hayes, an alumnus and visiting assistant professor at Delaware State University, has been named the Top Influential Chemist of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP).
The IAOTP characterized Dr. Hayes as a “dynamic, results-driven leader” who is making his mark as a research chemist, author, inventor and educator.
After graduating from high school in 2008 at the age of 15 and then graduating cum laude at age 18 in 2011 with bachelor’s degrees in History and General Science from Lincoln University (Pa.), he enrolled in DSU’s Chemistry Doctoral Program and became the youngest graduate in the University’s history to earn a Ph.D. at age 22 in December 2015.
While completing his doctorate at DSU, he lectured in Tuscany, Italy, and Easton, Massachusetts, as a Carl Storm Fellow while authoring several peer-reviewed journal articles and developing an alternative energy system for cars, powered by hydrogen – for which he co-holds a patent.
Dr. Hayes currently serves as a visiting assistant professor in DSU’s Department of Chemistry.
The IAOTP will formally present Dr. Hayes with the honor during its annual Awards Gala to be held at the end of the year.