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Board Chairperson Devona Williams discusses how the University prepares its students for the future global job market they will face after graduation.
In this photo: Board Chairperson Devona Williams discusses how the University prepares its students for the future global job market they will face after graduation.
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Board Chair featured in Business Officer Magazine

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

DSU Board of Trustees Chairperson Devona Williams is featured in the current online issues of Business Officer Magazine, in which she talks about the University’s work in preparing its students for the current global job market climate.

In an article “A Good Offense – Delaware State University employs a strategy for staying relevant by addressing student and employer needs,” Dr. Williams shares some of the initiatives underway at the University to ensure that students are enrollment ready, career ready, and world ready.

To read the full article go to https://www.businessofficermagazine.org/features/a-good-offense/.